So last Saturday marks Evie's one month old birthday....she is still pretty tiny (a little less than 9 lbs) but her expressions just seem so much older than one month. It makes me wonder what she is thinking about. Especially when she just stares up at us. She makes the cutest little cooing noises like she is trying to tell us....sometimes you can almost tell what she means.
Looking up at her Uncle Josh.
Look at that cute little face....
Cali isn't quite sure how she feels about flailing little arms and legs...especially when SHE is used to being the baby of the house. She gets all concerned when Evie cries though, it's very sweet.
We took our first trip to In and Out since she was born...
She's grumpy faced cause she had to stick to milk. ;)
That's me on the left, Evie on the right.
Same dress, same blanket, about the same age.
I realized I'm not in most of our pictures cause I'm the one taking them, so Caesar grabbed the camera a few nights ago and took these...that big one on the bottom left is my new favorite.
This is in the woods behind the park that we go to...
Cali LOVES chasing squirrels there.
I love using the wrap to carry her in...we can go so many more places (like these woods), plus she doesn't get all annoyed from having to buckle her into the carseat.
This is in the rocking chair I recovered with the baby quilt my Grandma C. sent. I remember loving the quilt when I was little visiting her house (it reminds me of rainbow sherbet ice cream), and I REALLY wanted it. She remembered that and sent it for Evie while I was pregnant. :) I'll be taking a picture set up like this each month, I think.
And now for a round of Caption-That-Photo!
What would the best caption for this one be?
Love the picture of you and Evie in the same dress! How precious! Great pictures (even if you are only in a few of them!)